excel 97


One of the columns in my worksheet displays only "####."  What's wrong?
How do I format the numbers so that they are shown as currency (percentage, etc.)?
How do I center text across more than one column?
How do I enter a formula?
How do I copy a formula?
What is the difference between a relative cell reference and an absolute cell reference?
How do I create a graph?
How do I resize my graph (picture, etc.)?
How do I format my worksheet to print on a single page?
How can I make my sheet print with the gridlines showing?

One of the columns in my worksheet displays only "####."  What's wrong?

The width of the column is too small to show the number that should be displayed.  You will notice that if you highlight the cell, the number will show up in the formula bar.  Increase the width of the column by either dragging the edge of the column header or by using the menu: Format-Column-Width.

How do I format the numbers so that they are shown as currency (percentage, etc.)?

Highlight the cell(s) you want to format.  Use the menu Format-cells.  A Dialog box (as shown at right) will open up.  From here, you can manipulate how the contents of the cell look in many different ways, including the format, alignment, color, and font.

How do I center text across more than one column?

First, enter the text and highlight the columns you wish to center across as shown below:

Then, click the  button.  (If you do not see this button, use the menu View-Toolbars-Formatting to make it appear.)  The cells will merge and the text will be centered within this new cell as shown below:

How do I enter a formula?

Excel can perform both standard calculator functions as well as advanced algebraic, statistical, logical, and financial calculations.  Every calculated cell will begin with an equal sign (=).
 To enter a simple calculation, such as multiplying one cell by another:
 Select the cell where you want the results of the calculation to display
 Enter an equal sign (=)
Select the first cell you want to multiply
 Enter the multiplication sign (*)
 Select the second cell you want to multiply
 Press Enter


How do I copy a formula?

Unless you specify absolute cell references, Excel formulae can be copied to different areas of the worksheet.  For instance, if you SUM a column of numbers and you have a different column of numbers with the same number of cells, you can "reuse" the sum formula by copying it to the cell that corresponds to the cell from which you are copying.  (top illustration below
To copy the formula, highlight the cell containing the formula and use the menu Edit-Copy.  Select the cell that you want to copy the formula to and use the menu Edit-Paste. (bottom illustration below)

Copying A Cell
Pasting A Cell

What is the difference between a relative cell reference and an absolute cell reference?

When used in a formula, a relative cell reference denotes the cell used in the calculation by location in relation to the cell being modified.  For example, if you have the following formula in cell C1: "=A1+B1" then what you are telling Excel is "Add the value in the cell two cells to the left of this cell to the value in the cell one cell to the left of this cell."  If you copied this formula to cell C2, the formula would change to "=A2+B2"
On the other hand, an absolute reference is a cell reference that does not change when the formula is copied.  You can create an absolute reference by placing dollar signs ($) to the left and right of the column letter in the cell reference.  For example, if you changed the formula above to read "=$A$1+B1" and copied it to C2, the formula would become "=$A$1+B2"  (This indicates that the formula will add the value in cell A1 to the value in cell B2.)
This concept can get a bit confusing.  

How do I create a graph / chart?
Most charts can be quickly and easily created using the chart wizard.  Invoke the chart wizard by clicking on the  button in the standard toolbar.
Let's take a look at an example of the chart wizard in action.  Let's say that we have 5 months worth of sales figures from three different divisions of a company.  This data has been organized into the following table:
Suppose then that we wished to create a pie chart that showed the three sales divisions' sales over this time.

First, we would invoke the chart wizard by clicking on the  button in the standard toolbar.  The first step in creating any chart is to define which type of chart you want to create.  In this case, pick the pie chart and click on the "next" button.

Next, you need to select the cells that contain the basic data you need to create the chart.  The easiest way to select this data is by clicking the Data Range Box ().

When you click the , the Chart Wizard will minimize and you will be given the opportunity to highlight the cells you want to use.  In the graphic below, the range has already been highlighted and you can see that it is being reflected in the Data Range Selector:

To continue, click on the Return box ().  You should see that the range has been sent to the chart wizard, as illustrated below.  Click "next."

Step three in the Chart Wizard is where you can set the title of the chart and well as formatting the legends and data labels.  You see a real time preview of what your chart will look like in the preview box.  When you have formatted the chart to your tastes, click the "next" button.

The last step is simply to decide where you want your new chart.  If you are going to be embedding it into the current worksheet, then select "As object in:".  If you would like the chart to be its own worksheet within a workbook, then select "As new sheet:"  Click "finish" and you're done!

How do I resize my graph (picture, etc.)?
Any image imported into any of the Office 97 titles can be resized in the exact same manner.  First, click on the object.  You will see 8 small black boxes appear around the image.  These boxes can then be dragged to resize the object.  If you want the object the stay in proportion, hold down the "shift" key when you resize.
NOTE:  With Excel charts, it is important to make sure that you are selecting the entire object when you click on it because Excel also allows you to re-size and move individual elements within the chart.  You can test this by holding your mouse still over one of the resize boxes.  If a tip box opens with the words "Chart Area" (as shown at left) then you have selected the entire chart.

How do I format my worksheet to print on a single page?
Use the menu View-Page Break Preview.  You will see the sheet displayed as shown to the right.  The blue lines represent page breaks and can be moved simply by dragging them to encompass the needed information.

How can I make my sheet print with the gridlines showing?
By default, Excel does not print the gridlines of a worksheet.  To print the lines, you must change this setting by using the menu File-Page Setup.  A dialogue box will open.  Click on the tab labeled "Sheet" and check the box labeled "Gridlines" as shown at left.


©2000 Harry Knight

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