app: forms


Forms are one way that users can give feedback to a web designer.  If you have ever surfed the web, chances are, you have filled in a form.

In order for forms to work, they must be supported by a program housed at your server in a process called CGI (Common Gateway Interface).

Normally, setting up the program to handle our form would require writing in the computer language Perl (or C++).

Luckily, Form Handling is such a common task any more that better Web Hosts (like Tripod) offer it without you having to write the code.  All the web designer has to do is to set a parameter in the form that will tell the browser to use Tripod's form handler.

Netscape Editor does not have any automated functions regarding forms.  They must be hand coded in the HTML.

To create a form,

Use the code:
<FORM ACTION="/bin/script_library/form_handler_mail" METHOD=POST>

This defines the beginning and end of your form.  The ACTION and METHOD are required to use the Tripod program and must be type exactly as you see above.  When users fill out your form, the results will be e-mailed to you.

Between these FORM tags go all of the gadgets that you can have users click to interact with your form.  They are described below:


One Line Text Box
<input type="text" name="anyname" size="20">
No end tag is required.


Scrolling Line Text Box
<textarea rows="2" name="anyname" cols="20"></textarea>



Check Box
<input type="checkbox" name="anyname" value="ON">

No end tag.  VALUE is whether the box is checked initially.

Radio Button
<input type="radio" value="any" name="anyname">

No end tag.  VALUE should be whatever the label is.   For example, if by checking this radio button, you are choosing "train" from a list, the value should be "train" so that you will be able to interpret the results.

Drop Down Menu     
<select size="1" name="anyname">
<option value="Option 1">Option 1</option>
<option value="Option 2">Option 2</option>
<option value="Etc">Etc</option>

You can add as many options as you wish.  Each one will become another menu item on the drop down box.


Submit / Reset Buttons
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1">

The Submit button MUST be included for the form to work.  Again, the name can be anything but the VALE must be "Submit".


Here is an example of a working form and the HTML that generated it:

Please take some time to tell me about how this tutorial is going for you with this handy form!

How did you find out about the tutorial?


If you attended the workshop, would you say that the workshop was:

"A Coup!  Mr. Knight, meet Mr. Oscar!"
"Vibrant and Lively - well performed and informative!"
"Predictable and Dull"
"Too Many Unanswered Questions - Screams for a Sequel!"


Would you say that this tutorial is:

Pointless and dull, riddled with errors, and with poor grammar to boot.


Please give me any other comments you have on your mind:


If you fill out the form above, it will send me the results.  The HTML for this form is:

<FORM ACTION="/bin/script_library/form_handler_mail" METHOD=POST>
<p>Please take some time to tell me about how this tutorial is going for you
with this handy form!</p>
<p>How did you find out about the tutorial?</p>
<p><select size="1" name="findout">
<option selected value="attended">I attended your workshop</option>
<option value="Co-Worker">Co-worker gave me this URL</option>
<option value="Read URL on Lab Wall">Read URL on Lab Wall</option>
<option value="Random Surfing">Random Surfing</option>
<p>If you attended the workshop, would you say that the workshop was:</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="acoup" value="ON">&quot;A Coup!&nbsp; Mr. Knight,
meet Mr. <b>Oscar</b>!&quot;<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="vibrantandlively" value="ON">&quot;Vibrant and Lively - well
performed and informative!&quot;<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="predictableanddull" value="ON">&quot;Predictable and Dull&quot;<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="notenough" value="ON">&quot;Too Many Unanswered
Questions - Screams for a Sequel!&quot;</p>
<p>Would you say that this tutorial is:</p>
<p><input type="radio" value="excellenttutorial" checked name="R1">Excellent<br>
<input type="radio" name="R1" value="goodtutorial">Good<br>
<input type="radio" name="R1" value="fairtutorial">Fair<br>
<input type="radio" name="R1" value="badtutorial">Pointless and dull, riddled with
errors, and with poor grammar to boot.</p>
<p>Please give me any other comments you have on your mind:<br>
<textarea rows="2" name="comments" cols="60"></textarea></p>
<p>THANK YOU!</p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="B2"></p>


©2000 Harry Knight

Certain elements (software titles, search engine logos, etc.) are copyright and/or trademarks of the respective copyright owners.  Use of this material is restricted to educational use and is intended to promote both further understanding of the intellectual property discussed and, in effect, the product itself.